The Art of Business Branding

Adama J. Adama
2 min readMar 26, 2021


Photo by Patrik Michalicka on Unsplash

How do people identify your business?

You could say, by its logo?

Well, you’re not wrong but you’re not 100% correct. There is more to branding than a logo.

Your business is your brand, and how you want people to experience it is called Branding.

Branding takes your business logo, strength, and qualities and puts them out in a way that attracts your customers.

There are many kinds of branding such as function branding and attitude branding, which allures the customers of different businesses.

A powerful brand will not attract customers alone but it would give them confidence in your abilities. This is why mastering the art of business branding is important.

Developing a powerful brand involves the use of the right branding strategies and you should consider it before launching your business.

If you are running a business already, you need to intensify your branding efforts.

Want to master the art of business branding?

Here are a few tips to get you started.

Carry out market research to determine your target audience.

To successfully understand the kind of branding you’ll need, determine the size of the market and your target audience (customers).

It is during this research that you’ll study your competitors and be able to develop a brand that stands out.

Observe and Learn.

Through direct contact or online, you can observe top brands and experts in your niche.

This would give you perspective and direction while branding your business.

Infuse branding in your entire business.

Branding goes beyond logo and designs; it should be experienced in your business as a whole. From your business name to your environment, marketing, and even your customer experience style.

So, if you have started that business and feel you need a re-brand…

Start by telling your business story.

Telling your story; how your business started and to whom you hope to appeal is a great way to develop a strong brand.

Keep it simple.

When branding or rebranding logos and designs, keep it simple. Do not use too many images or colours, this can make it difficult for your customers to understand or accept.

Putting all of this and more into consideration during branding will help you convey a strong message to your customers while increasing your success score.

Have more tips that have worked for your business so far?

Be kind enough to share in the comment section.



Adama J. Adama

The Chairman of Enadama Group. The Founder and CEO of Farm4Me Agriculture Limited.